Self-Discovery, Synchronicities, and a Soul Connection.



A nice long stretch. Eating delicious meals. Getting that heart rate up and at em.

If you struggle with full body wellness you may reach out to a physical trainer or a nutritionist.


Patience. Focus. Learning how to not be reactionary when a friend or family member triggers you. Coping with stress.

If you struggle with mental health you may seek the help of a therapist or psychologist.


Intuition. Noticing life’s synchronicities. Creating an inner knowing and learning to trust yourself. Nourishment for the soul.

If you struggle with finding yourself or feel disconnected from the universe then book a spirit session with me!


We need to maintain all three, and I help polish up the soul side.

Think of a Spirit Session like therapy but for your soul. Schedule a monthly check-up, or call me when you need a spiritual recharge after a difficult day. I can clear karma from that months challenges, cord cut from that odd first date, reinforce your aura before a big event, unblock your chakras, check on your human design transits for the week, and tap into your guides for advice on the choices up ahead. I also teach all of these skills so you can learn to perform them on yourself and loved ones.

What to Expect in a Spirit Session:

Human Design.

Seeds and Stars uses the Human Design system extensively within the spirit sessions. Human Design is the combination of ancient and current sciences, elements from the I Ching, Kabbalah, astrology, quantum physics, and the Chakras — blended beautifully together to form an incredible tool of self-discovery. You will learn how your own individual energetics work and how to integrate this new knowledge.

Example: If you have an undefined solar plexus you take in the emotions of other people. You will learn how to identify which emotions are your own, which do not belong to you, and develop practices such as grounding to help clear stuck emotions.


Intuitive Guidance.

We all have strong intuition. The trick is learning how yours communicates, practice listening to it, and building up trust through action. Stars and Seeds teaches methods to strengthen your intuitive voice and connect with your spirit guides. The answers you seek are within. Tarot, Akashic Records, mediumship, the Claires, and other intuitive tools are used.

Example: Certain animals and devices that deal in frequencies (e.g. radios) are perfect conduits for energy and messages from your higher self, guides, and loved ones. You will learn how to identify messages from spirit, and how to play with the universe.


Energy Healing.

You work with energy?! Call it woo woo or call it proven science, but know it works. I use a combination of Chinese Energy Healing, Integrated Energy Healing (“IET”) and other energetic gifts to remove limiting and negative beliefs which may be holding you back, delete karma, clear chakras and auras, tame fears, and overall allow your energy to flow freely. Energy healing is a powerful tool to remove what is not serving you and to make room for what you want and deserve to come in. The work is in another dimension, but the results are tangible here and now.

Example: Did you know you can magnify or compress your aura? See your ex in the coffee shop and hope they do not spot you back? You can draw your aura in close and sneak right on by. You can have a lot of fun with energy work, but you can also learn to protect yourself energetically.


Make an Appointment for Your Soul:

Feel seen. Learn how your own energetics work. Discover your natural gifts and talents. Meet your guides. Make room for the real you to shine through.