What’s This Lady All About

^ That’s what I look like happy and on the beach.

I am Veronica Leone. V. Vron Vron. Veronicat. Roni.

I spent a long time asking everyone else to make decisions for me because I never felt certain. I took the road of other people’s opinions all the way through law school and never really felt like I knew myself. Until one day I met a psychic — and her accuracy and truth telling changed everything. All of the sudden I knew that spirit was real and I had neglected mine.

In the coming years I learned tarot, read up on numerology, went to Abraham Hicks seminars, fell DEEP into the Human Design rabbit hole, listened to hours of Bashar, viewed the Akashic Records, trained in energy healing, begin to study astrology and mediumship, contemplated the multiverse and fractals, met Starseeds, connected to my spirit guides and trusted in my gatekeeper. I like to call it going Full Californian or embracing the woo woo.

Then an Ascended Master reminded me my soul would be happiest if I embraced my gift of correspondence: connecting people to their own cosmic energy. And of course, they were right. I now help people start their own spiritual journeys of self discovery — reminding them of who they are. I also am connected to an incredible spiritual community and love connecting clients.

In the Human Design system I am a 5/1 Manifesting Generator with an undefined G-center, and a completely open Ajna. I have emotional authority with an individual wave. I also connect as a starseed — Andromedan and Hyadian. My gatekeeper is a giant cobra, Raj.

I decided on the name Seeds and Stars as a reversal on Starseeds. And because all it took was a small kernel of truth to be planted in me and then my soul took off — to the Stars. I invite you to plant your own spiritual seed and explore through the stars.

What Some Lovely People Said


Veronica saw me better than I saw myself! And told me truths like she was my best friend who could tell it to me straight, but with love.


I have developed a whole new relationship with material things, and learned what is truly valuable to me personally. I cannot express how deeply this has helped me. Leave it to a Taurus to teach me about value.



It has been so much fun, and life altering to learn about Human Design with Veronica. She puts in extra time to break it all down. There is SO much incredible information. She even answered my follow-up questions on Instagram, she goes the extra mile.


Veronica offered me an endless ocean of acceptance as a possibility to live in.

She challenged ways that I limit myself, and pointed out my strengths, encouraging me to seek more for myself. Her knowledge is vast, her intuition is perceptive, and her tools are extremely practical. I just started my own business, something I’ve wanted to do for years!